Friends of Third Place Commons (“Third Place Commons,” or “the Commons”) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering real community in real space by hosting hundreds of events annually and presenting the Lake Forest Park Farmers Market from May to October.
As part of this work, Third Place Commons manages the use of the Stadler Room, which is located adjacent to Dumpling Generation restaurant in the Commons. The Stadler Room Rental & Usage Policy (outlined below) provides full guidelines and limitations for use of the Stadler Meeting Room.
Room Reservations
Use of the Stadler Room requires a nominal fee which helps support the hundreds of free programs Third Place Commons offers to the community each year. Rental levels are tiered according to the frequency of desired use. Any individual, group, organization, or business may use the space as long as they adhere to all Stadler Room policies (see exclusions below).
In order to continue reserving the space, reservations must be renewed annually on or after the one-year anniversary of the reservation start date, or upon completion of designated number of reservations, whichever comes first.
Room Usage Rules
The room is often used for meetings, classes, and small social gatherings. Third Place Commons reserves the right to restrict or deny use of the Stadler Room to anyone whom the Executive Director, the Executive Committee, or the Board of Directors in good faith believes is abusing the intended use of the Stadler Room or the Commons.
The Stadler Room may not be used for/by any of the following:
- Any kind of sales, marketing, promotion, or class charging a fee for instruction or materials (unless specifically sponsored by Third Place Commons or Third Place Books).
- Religious groups or entities.
- Political purposes except for nonpartisan groups or programs that provide equal time to all parties. No partisan activities are permitted in the Stadler Room or the Commons.
- Fundraising by any group or organization (other than Third Place Commons).
In addition, please note that no alcohol consumption is permitted anywhere on premises.
Reservation Levels & Frequency
The Stadler Room may be reserved based upon the annual levels as described below.
Reservation Level
$40: 2 reservations per year
$75: 4 reservations per year
$110: 6 reservations per year
$160: 9 reservations per year
$210: 12 reservations per year
$310: 18 reservations per year
$400: 24 reservations per year
To be negotiated: More than 24 reservations per year
Prospective users of the Stadler Room may check its availability for their desired times by visiting thirdplacecommons.org/calendar. All scheduled events at the Commons are reflected on this calendar. Precise location within the Commons (Stadler Room, Stage, etc.) may be determined by clicking on the specific event.
A paper copy of this calendar is also regularly posted on the wall immediately outside the Stadler Room for reference, however the online calendar is the official record of all events. When there is a question about scheduling or a conflict between the paper and online versions, the online calendar is considered the final word.
Time Limit
The Stadler Room is a popular place. To accommodate as many groups as possible, the Commons will generally schedule groups in two-hour slots, with a few exceptions for our partner organizations. Users may occasionally roll two or more reservations together to secure a longer, single reservation. If a group meets regularly, the suggested annual contribution levels will be reviewed.
In a standard configuration with one large “boardroom style” table in the middle, the room seats 16 people around the table. The room comfortably seats up to 25 people depending on the room configuration. Under some circumstances, chairs can be set up for a maximum of 44.
Making Reservations
Click HERE to request a reservation! If you have questions after your request and payment have been submitted, please send an email message to [email protected]. (You may wish to check the availability of the room before submitting payment.)
- Third Place Commons requests reservations be made with as much advance notice as possible.
- Response cannot be guaranteed to reservation requests made within 72 hours of the requested time.
- Third Place Commons representatives will make efforts to let people know of changes in advance, but the Stadler Room schedule can change without notice.
Food Restrictions
Supporting the success of our Town Center neighbors is an important part of fostering a strong community. Users of the Stadler Room are strongly encouraged to use food vendors from the Commons and throughout Town Center for their events in the Stadler Room.
Please note that you are expected to bus your tables in the meeting room. Thank you for removing all trash to the receptacles out in the Commons and making sure the room is in good condition when you leave.